Final Year Project
Bachelor of Architecture (Part II) - Sem II
-Malay Traditional Performance Center-
an auditorium and training center that specialize for Malay Traditional Performance.
include theaters, musicals, vocals and dances.
divided into formal and informal events.
A1 size - Cover page
A1 size - Introduction
A1 size - Elevation, Structure
A1 size - Sectional Perspective, GBI
A1 size - Special Studies, Services
A1 size - Perspective
3xA1 size - Site Plan, Floor Plan
3xA1 size - Section, Structure Layout
3xA1 size - Services Schematic, Services System, Overall Idea
copyright own by:
Ahmad Khairul Aiman bin Yusof
Ahmad Khairul Aiman bin Yusof
*some of the information and image taken from google search.